Sexual Health Advice & Services

Relationships are vital and we all need them. Through our relationships with family members we begin to understand who we are and realise the kind of person we want to be. Relationships can be good and bad and it’s important for our happiness and safety that we work out which is which.

Romantic and sexual relationships can feel like the most intense, exciting and scary relationships of all.  In these we want to look just right, to say the right things, to laugh at the right times, to do whatever makes the other person happy. But if doing so means that we start to take risks, feel unsafe and / or unhappy then the relationship needs thinking about.

When a relationship becomes sexual it must be at a time when both feel ready and neither feel pressured. Contraception, protection, and the age of consent need to be considered before you have sex.  What is also important to remember is that having sex involves more than the body, it involves mind and heart as well, consequently all can be hurt if used carelessly.

Becoming pregnant, whether planned or unplanned, can be very scary but there is help and advice out there to help you make a considered decision about what to do. You should never feel that you are on your own; confidential, professional and ongoing support is there via your GP, sexual health clinic, school nurse, or Treads.

Talking over relationship worries with your boyfriend/girlfriend, a trusted friend or teacher, a family member, or an advisor from one of the charities listed below may help you to resolve difficulties and keep a good relationship on track.

Treads are C-card Registered and can offer free condoms and clamidia testing kits – very helpful advice about looking after your sexual health Provide free, high quality contraception and sexual health services across Dorset. STARS is a pan-Dorset Charity that offer one to one support, free of charge, for anyone of any age or gender who lives, works or studies in Dorset – free and confidential counselling support help and advice if you are facing unplanned pregnancy or post abortion concerns. – advice, information and support on sex, sexual health, contraception, unplanned pregnancy, and relationships. – for young Lesbian, Gay, Bisxeual, Transgendered and questioning people in Dorset. A LGBTQ+ health initiative by nurses from West Dorset General Hospitals NHS Trust and supported by Bournemouth, Weymouth, Dorset Community – general advice site includes good section on relationships and sexuality