Education, learning, training & employment

For young people looking for work, either part time alongside study or full time employment, the prospects for finding a job can be bleak, but there are ways to break into the job market. Preparing a good CV and cover letter, completing successfully a professional application form, learning winning interview techniques, are all ways to enhance chances of success and can be developed through working with careers advisers at school, college, local job clubs, your local job centre or by visiting one of the sites listed below.

For those that are not in education, training or employment Treads can offer you the chance to gain free credited ASDAN short course awards in a variety of subjects.  Call 077621857530 for a friendly chat to one of our qualified adviser – very good advice and ability to contact support worker by telephone, email, or text – advice on handling stress and sadness – the unofficial guide to surviving high school – provides help for those unemployed, struggling at school, been in trouble with the law, or have been in care. – very good website providing up to date information and advice on types of apprenticeships, local opportunities and how to apply. – local and national job search site, also contains advice on seeking employment. – informative website with tips and advice on finding work