Bullying & Abuse

Bullying can happen to anyone. It is the attempt through words, actions or even inaction (leaving somebody out) to de-value and frighten a person or group of people. Bullying can happen for lots of reasons e.g. they way somebody looks, where a person is from. But the main reason does not lie with the person being bullied, but with the bully or bullies.

Bullies often don’t value themselves much. They make themselves feel powerful and attempt to stop themselves from being bullied by picking on someone who is different.  By making a person or group of people ‘different and not normal’ a bully creates and is part of a group who is ‘normal’, and it that group feels safe and in control. Bullying can and should be stopped.  Speaking to a family member, teacher, Treads adviser, or contacting one of the charities listed below can help you end bullying and prevent it happening again. Getting help and support can also help build up confidence and self esteem that are badly affected after bullying of any type.

Cyber bullying is a relatively new type of bullying that is particularly damaging because it can occur 24-7 and involves hundreds of individuals that may not even know the person they are bullying. The added distress of having private information and pictures posted online makes cyber bullying a dangerous weapon that can undermine a person’s reputation and respect. If you or someone else is a victim of cyber bullying it is very important that you tell a family member, teacher, youth worker, Treads adviser, or by contacting an adviser from one of the charities listed below.

Bullying is abusive because it is an attempt to harm, offend, or misuse another person. Other forms of abuse that you may of heard of are physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. It is not always easy for a person to recognise that they are being abused and this combined with a warning by the abuser to keep things secret, can make speaking about their experiences and getting help really difficult. It is important to remember that no-one has the right to hurt you and make you do things that feel wrong. There are many charities and agencies with free confidential helplines that can provide advice, help, and support to individuals even if they don’t want to give their name or address. By following the links below you can find out more about forms of abuse and how to make it stop.

Please remember in emergency if you feel you are in danger call Emergency services 999

If you are concered about the safety or wellbeing of a child or young person contact the Children's Advice & Duty Service (ChAD) 01305 228866

Childline Online, on the phone anytime childline.org.uk 08001111

Treads  work very closely with Victim Support and can give you advice and support on how to stand up to bullying. Do not hesitate to call Libby or Su on 07762185753 if you are been bullied.

www.thinkyouknow.com Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Explore one of the six Thinkuknow websites for advice about staying safe when you're on a phone, tablet or computer. 

www.childline.org.uk/Explore/Bullying/Pages/Bullyinginfo.aspx – excellent website containing information and advice  on bullying and cyberbullying

www.nspcc.org.uk – information on abuse and bullying